正文 chapter 11

ELENA STOOD BY THE OPEN DOOR OF MATTIOS HOUSE LOOKING up the dark road to the moat and the raised drawbridge, watg the dles flicker and go out one by one in the windows of Castle Borso. At intervals people walked past her into the house, only a nod or a brief greeting if anything at all. It was a night of battle that lay ahead of them, and everyone arriving was aware of that.

From the village behihere came no sound at all, and no light. All the dles were long snuffed out, fires banked, windows covered over, even the ks at the base of doors blocked by cloth s. The dead walked on the first of the Ember Nights, everyone khat.

There was little noise from within the house behihough fifteen or twenty people must have arrived by now, crowding into Mattios home at the edge of the village. Elena didnt know how many more Walkers were yet to join them here, or later, at the meeting-place; she did know that there would be too few. There hadnt been enough last year……(内容加载失败!)




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