正文 chapter 16

SPRING CAME EARLY IN ASTIBAR TOWN. IT ALMOST ALWAYS did along that sheltered northwestern side of the province, overlooking the bay and the strung-out islands of the Archipelago. East and south the unblocked winds from the sea pushed the start of the growing season back a few weeks ahe smaller fishing boats close to shore this early in the year.

Senzio was already fl, the traders in Astibar harbor reported, the white blossoms of the sejoia trees making the air fragrant with the promise of summer to e. Chiara was still cold it was said, but that happened sometimes in early spring on the Island. It wouldnt be long before the breezes from Khardhuled the air and the seas around her.

Senzio and Chiara.

Alberico of Barbadior lay down at night thinking about them, and rose up in the m doing the same, after intense, agitated nights of little rest, shot through with lurid, disturbing dreams.

If the winter had been uling, rife with small is and rumors, the events……(内容加载失败!)




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