正文 chapter 18

NORMALLY WHEN SHE WENT UP ON THE RAMPARTS OF HER castle at su was to look south, watg the play of light and the ging colors of the sky above the mountains. Of late though, as springtime turowards the summer they had all been waiting for, Alienor found herself climbing to the northern ramparts instead, to pace the guards walk behind the ellations or lean upon the ch stone, gazing into the distance, ed in her shawl against the chill that still came when the su down.

As if she could actually see as far as Senzio.

The shawl was a new one, brought by the messengers from Quileia that Baerd had told them would e. The ones who carried the messages that could, if all went right, turn the whole world upside down.

Not just the Palm: Barbadior too, where the Emperor was said to be dying, and Ygrath, and Quileia itself where, precisely because of what he was doing for them, Marius might not survive.

The Quileian messengers had stopped on their way to Fort O……(内容加载失败!)




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