正文 chapter 19

AWARM NIGHT, THE FRAGRANCE OF FLOWERS. MOONLIGHT orees, on the pale stones of the garden wall, on the woman standing in the high window.

Devin hears a sound to his left and quickly turns. Rovigo running up, to stid with shock as his gaze follows Alessans upward. Behind him now es Sah Alais.

"Help me!" the Duke orders harshly, dropping to the cobblestones beside Devin. His expression is wild, distraught, he has a knife in his hand.

"What?" Devin gasps, unprehending. "What do you . . . ?”

"My fingers! Now! Cut them! I he power!" And Sandre dAstibar slaps the hilt of the knife hard into Devins palm and curls his ow hand around a loose slab of stone ireet. Only his third and fourth fingers are extehe wizards fingers, of binding to the Palm.

"Sandre . . ." Devin begins, stammering.

"No words! Cut me, Devin!”

Devin does as he is told. Wing, gritting his teeth against pain against grief, he poises the sharp slim blade and brings it down on Sandres exposed fi……(内容加载失败!)




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