正文 chapter 20

THE SEA WAS AT THEIR BACK, AT THE END OF A LONG goatherds track that wound down the slope to the sands just south of where theyd beached the ships and e ashore. About two miles north of them the walls of Senzio rose up, and from this height Dia-nora could see the gleaming of the temple domes and the ramparts of the castle. The sun, rising over the pine forests to the east, was bronze in a close, deep blue sky. It was warm already this early in the day; it would be very hot by mid-m.

By which time the fighting would have begun.

Brandin was ferring with dEymon and Rhamanus and his captains, three of them neointed from the provinces. From Corte and Asoli and Chiara itself. Not from Lower Corte, of course, though there were a number of men from her provin the army below them in the valley. She had wondered briefly, lying awake one night in the flagship off Farsaro, if Baerd was one of them. She knew he wouldhough. Just as Brandin could not ge in this, her c……(内容加载失败!)




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