正文 5

Up to now, the few things Goldmund knew of his mother had e from what others had told him. Her image had almost faded from his memory. Of the little he thought he knew of her, he had told Narcissus o nothing. Mother was a subject he was forbidden to mention—something to be ashamed of. She had been a dancer, a wild beautiful woman of hough poor, birth; Goldmunds father said that he had lifted her from poverty and shame; and since he couldnt be sure she was not a heathen, he had arrao have her baptized and instructed in religion; he had married her and made her respectable. But after a few years of domesticated and ordered existence, she had remembered her old tricks and crafts, had started to make trouble and seduce men, had strayed from home for days and weeks at a time, had acquired the reputation of a witch, and, after her husband had goo find her and taken her back to his house several times, she had finally disappeared forever. Her reputation had s……(内容加载失败!)




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