正文 8

Goldmund had been walking for quite some time; he rarely spent two nights in the same place. Everywhere women desired him and made him happy. He was dark from the sun and thin with walking and frugal meals. Many women said farewell in the early hours of the m, a him, some in tears. Occasionally he thought: "Why doesnt one of them stay with me? Why, if they love me and it adultery for the sake of a single night of love—why do they all run back to their husbands immediately afterwards, even though most of them are afraid of beien?" Not one had seriously begged him to stay, not one had asked him to take her along, had loved him enough to share the joys and hardships of his wandering life. Of course he had never asked that of them, had never even hi it to any of them, and, when he questioned his heart, he khat he cherished his freedom. He could not remember a single woman for whom he had not stopped longing in the arms of the . Still, it seemed a little od……(内容加载失败!)




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