正文 16

"Praised be the Lord," said the priest and placed the dlesti the table. Goldmund murmured the respoaring straight ahead.

The priest said nothing. He waited and said nothing, until Goldmund grew restless and seargly raised his eyes to the man in front of him.

This man, he now saw to his fusion, was not only wearing the habit of the fathers of Mariabronn, he also wore the insignia of the office of Abbot.

And now he looked into the Abbots face. It was a bony face, firmly, clearly cut, with very thin lips. It was a face he knew. As though spellbound, Goldmund looked into this face that seemed pletely formed by mind and will. With unsteady hand he reached for the dlestick, lifted it and held it closer to the strao see his eyes. He saw them and the dlestick shook in his hand as he put it ba the table.

"Narcissus!" he whispered almost inaudibly. The cellar began to spin around him.

"Yes, Goldmund, I used to be Narcissus, but I abahat name a long time ago; youv……(内容加载失败!)




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