正文 17

During the first days Goldmund lived in the cloister, in one of the guest cells. Then, at his own request, he was given a room across the fe, in one of the administrative buildings that surrouhe main yard like a marketplace.

His homeing put him under a spell, so violent that he himself was astonished by it. Outside the Abbot no one knew him here, no one knew who he was. The people, monks as well as lay brothers, lived a well-ordered life and had their own special occupations, a him in peace. But the trees of the courtyard knew him, the portals and windows knew him, the mill and the water wheel, the flagstones of the corridors, the wilted rosebushes in the arcade, the storks s on the refectory and granary roofs. From every er of his past, the st of his early adolesce came toward him, sweetly and movingly. Love drove him to see everything again, to hear all the sounds again, the bells for evening prayer and Sunday mass, the gushing of the dark millstream ……(内容加载失败!)




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