正文 18

For two years Goldmund worked on this group and from the sed year on he was given Erich as an apprentice. In the balustrade for the staircase he created a small paradise. With ecstasy he carved a graceful wilderness of trees, brush, and herbs, with birds in the branches, and the heads and bodies of animals emerging everywhere. In the midst of this peacefully sprouting primitive garden, he depicted several ses from the life of the patriarchs. This industrious life was rarely interrupted. There was seldom a day now when w was impossible for him, whelessness or boredom made him disgusted with his art. But when he did feel bored or restless hed give his apprentice a chore and walk or ride into the tryside to breathe in the memory-filled perfume of the free and wandering life of the forest, or visit a peasants daughter, or hunt, or lie for hours in the green staring into the vaulted halls of treetops, into the sprouting wilderness of ferns and juniper. He wo……(内容加载失败!)




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