The Religion of Good-citizenship

Sage, thun ivir nicht rechtl Wir mussen den Pobel betrugen,

Sur, ivie ungeschickt, siur ivie wild er sich zeigt Ungeschid wild sind alle roherogenen ;

Seid nur redlid fiihrt ihn zum Menschli an.


THE great war at the present moment is abs all the attention of the world exclusive of everything else. But then I think this war itself must make serious thinking people turn their attention to the great problem of civilisation. All civilisation begins by the quest of Nature, i.e. by subduing and trolling the terrific physical forces in Nature so that they do no harm to men. The modern civilisation of Europe to-day has succeeded in the quest of Nature with a success, it must be admitted, hitherto not attained by any other civilisation. But there is in this world a force more terrible even thaerrific physical forces in Nature and that is the passions in the heart of man. The harm which the physical forces of Natur……(内容加载失败!)




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