正文 chapter 2

Now in a because we ese have the Religion of good citizenship a man does not feel the need of using physical force to protect himself; he has seldom the need even to call in and use the physical force of the poli, of the State to protect him. A man in a is protected by the sense of justice of his neighbour; he is protected by the readiness of his fellow men to obey the sense of moral obligation. In fact, a man in a does not feel the need of using physical force to protect himself because he is sure that right and justice is reised by every body as a force higher than physical ford moral obligation is reised by every body as something which must be obeyed. Now if you get all mankind to agree tnise right and justice, as a force higher than physical force, and moral obligation as something which must be obeyed, then the use of physical force will bee unnecessary; then there will be no militarism in the world. But of course there will be in every try a few……(内容加载失败!)




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