正文 chapter 4

Now the first thing, I think, which will strike you in the old ese type of humanity is that there is nothing wild, savage or ferocious in him. Using a term which is applied to animals, we may say of the real aman that he is a domesticated creature. Take a man of the lowest class of the population in a and, I think, you will agree with me that there is less of animality in him, less of the wild animal, of what the Germans call Rohheit, than you will find in a man of the same class in a European society. In fact, the one word, it seems to me, which will sum up the impression which the ese type of humanity makes upon you is the English wentle." By gentleness I do not mean softness of nature or weak submissiveness. "The docility of the ese," says the late Dr. D. J. Macgowan, "is not the docility of a brokeed, emasculated people. " But by the word " gentle" I mean absence of hardness, harshness, roughness, or violence, in fact of anything which jars upon you……(内容加载失败!)




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