正文 chapter 7

The truth of the matter is, _the reason why the ese people do not feel the need ion is because they have in fuism a system of philosophy ahics, a synthesis of human society and civilisation which take the place ion. People say that fuism is not a religion. It is perfectly true that fuism is not a religion in the ordinary European sense of the word. But then I say the greatness of fuism lies even in this, that it is not a religion. In fact, the greatness of fuism is that, without being a religion, it take the place ion; it make men do withion.

Now in order to uand how fuism take the place ion we must try and find out the reason why mankind, why mehe need ion. Mankind, it seems to me, feel the need ion for the same reason that they feel the need of sce, of art and of philosophy. The reason is because man is a being who has a soul. Now let us take sce, I mean physical sce. What is the reason which makes men take up the study of sce? Most people now thi……(内容加载失败!)




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