正文 chapter 8

fucius, as some of you may know, lived in what is called a period of expansion in the history of a_a period in which the feudal age had e to an end; in which the feudal, the semi-patriarchal social order and form of gover had to be expanded and restructed. This great ge necessarily brought with it not only fusion in the affairs of the world, but also fusion in men s minds. I have said that in the ese civilisation of the last ,years there is no flict between the heart and the head. But I must now tell you that in the period of expansion in which fucius lived there was also in a, as now in Europe, a fearful flict between the heart and the head. The ese people in fucius s time found themselves with an immense system of institutioablished facts, accredited dogmas, s, laws_in fact, an immense system of society and civilisation which had e down to them from their veed aors. In this system their life had to be carried forward; yet they began to feel_they had a……(内容加载失败!)




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