正文 chapter 9

In this broad universal sense of the word, I say fuism is a religion just as Christianity or Buddhism is a religion. But you will remember I said that fuism is not a religion in the European sense of the word. What is then the differeween fuism and a religion in the European sense of the word? There is, of course, the differehat the one has a supernatural in and element in it, whereas the other has not. But besides this difference of supernatural and non-supernatural, there is also another differeween fuism and a religion in the European sense of the word such as Christianity and Buddhism, and it is this. A religion in the European sense of the word teaches a man to be a good man . But fuism does more than this; fuism teaches a man to be a good citizen. The Christian Catechism asks:_"What is the chief end of man?" But the fu Catechism asks:_"What is the chief end of a citizen ?" of man, not in his individual life, but man in his relation with his fellow……(内容加载失败!)




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