正文 chapter 11

In fact, a society without the sense of honour in men, and without morality in its politics, ot, I say, be held together, or at any rate, ot last. For in such a society the poli, upon whom the lawyer, politi, magistrate and president of a republic depend to carry out their fraud, will thus argue with himself. He is told that he must do his duty for the good of society. But he, the poor poli, is also a part of that society_to himself and his family, at least, the most important part of that society. Now if by some other way than by being a poli, perhaps by being an anti-poli, he get better pay to improve the dition of himself and his family, that also means the good of society. In that way the poli must sooner or later e to the clusion that, as there is .no such thing as a sense of honour and morality in politics, there is then hly reason why, if he get better pay, which means also the good of society_no reason why, instead of being a poli, he should n……(内容加载失败!)




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