正文 chapter 12

In other words, this State religion of fucius makes a sacrament of the tract of allegiance as the Family Religion in a before his time, makes a sacrament of the traarriage. As by the sacrament of marriage established by the Family Religion the wife is bound to be absolutely loyal to her husband, so by ihis sacrament of the tract of allegiance called mia yi, or Code of Honour established by the State religion taught by fucius in a, the people of a are bound to be absolutely loyal to the Emperor. This sacrament of the tract of allegian the State religion taught by fucius in a might thus be called the Sacrament ion of Loyalty. You will remember what I said to you that fucius in a way taught the Divine right of kings. But instead of saying that fucius taught the Divine right of kings I should properly have said that fucius taught the Diviy of Loyalty. This Divine or absolute duty of loyalty to the Emperor in a which fucius taught derives its san, not as the……(内容加载失败!)




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