正文 chapter 13

Again, as the absolute Diviy of loyalty taught by fucius secures the immortality of the ra the nation, so the cult of aor-worship taught in fuism secures the immortality of the ra the family. Ihe cult of aorworship in a is not founded mu the belief in a future life as in the belief of the immortality of the race. A ese, when he dies, is not soled by the belief that he will live a life hereafter, but by the belief that his children, grandchildren, great-grand-children, all those dearest to him, will remember him, think of him, love him, to the end of time, and in that way, in his imagination, dying, to a ese, is like going on a long, long journey, if not with the hope, at least with a great "perhaps" of meeting again. Thus this cult of aor-worship, together with the Diviy of loyalty, in fuism gives to the ese people the same sense of permanen their existence while they live and the same solatiohey die which the belief in a future life in religion gives t……(内容加载失败!)




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