正文 chapter 14

But the value ion is that it enables men, enables and make even the mass of mankind who have not force of intelleor force of character, to strictly follow and obey the rules of moral duct . But then how and by what means dion enable and make men do this? People imagihat religion enables and makes mehe rules of moral duct by teag men the belief in God. But that, as I have shown you, is a great mistake. The one and sole authority which makes men really obey moral laws or rules of moral duct is the moral sehe law of the gentleman in them. fucius said: "A moral law which is outside of man is not a moral law.

Even Christ in teag His religion says: "The Kingdom of God is within you." I say, therefore, the idea which people have that religion makes mehe rules of moral duct by means of teag them the belief in God is a mistake. Martin Luther says admirably in his entary on the Book of Daniel: "A God is simply that where-on the huma rests with trust, faith, hope……(内容加载失败!)




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