正文 chapter 16

We have now found the inspiration, the liviion that is in religion. But this inspiration or liviion in religion is found not only in religion_I mean Church religion. This inspiration or liviion is known to everyone who has ever felt an impulse which makes him obey the rules of moral duct above all siderations of self-i or fear. In fact, this inspiration or liviion that is in religion is found in every a of men which is not prompted by the base motive of self-i or fear, but by the sense of duty and honour. This inspiration or liviion in religion, I say, is found not only in religion. But the value ion is that the words of the rules of moral duct which the founders of all great religions have left behind them have, what the rules of morality of philosophers and moralists have not, this inspiration or liviion which, as Matthew Arnold says, lights up those rules and makes it easy for men to obey them. But this inspiration or liviion in the words of the rule……(内容加载失败!)




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