正文 chapter 17

I have been a long way, but now I ahe question which you asked me awhile ago. You asked me, you will remember, how without a belief in God which religion teaches_how ake men, make the mass of mankind, follow and obey the moral rule which fucius teaches in his State religion_the absolute duty of loyalty to the Emperor? I have shown you that it is not the belief in God taught by religion which really makes men obey moral rules or rules of moral duct. I showed you that religion is able to make mehe rules of moral duct principally by means of an anisation called the Church which awakens and kindles in men an inspiration or liviion necessary to make them to obey those rules. Now, in ao your question I am going to tell you that the system of the teags of fucius, called fuism, the State Mencius, speaking of the two purest and most Christlike characters in ese history, said: "When men heard of the spirit and temper of Po-yi and Shu-ch*i, the dissolute ruffian ……(内容加载失败!)




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