正文 chapter 18

But then you will remember I told you that the works of really great men in literature, such as the poetry of Homer, ot reach the mass of mankind, because all great men in literature speak the language of educated men which the mass of mankind ot uand. Such being the case, how thehe system of the teags of fucius, fuism, the State Religion in a, awaken and kindle in the mass of mankind, in the mass of the population in a, the inspiration or liviion necessary to enable and make them obey the rules of moral duow, I told you that the anisation iate Religion of fucius in a corresponding to the Church of the Church Religion in other tries, is the School. But that is not quite correct. The real anisation iate Religion of fucius in a correspondily to the Church of the Church Religion in other tries is_the Family. The real Church_of which the School is but an adjunct_the real and true Church of the State Religion of fucius in a, is the Family with its aral table……(内容加载失败!)




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