正文 chapter 19

Matthew Arnold calls the poetry of the best Greek poets the priestess of imaginative reason. Now the spirit of the ese people, as it is seen in the best spes of the products of their art and literature, is really what Matthew Arnold calls imaginative reason. Matthew Arnold says:_"The poetry of later Paganism lived by the senses and uanding: the poetry of medieval Christianity lived by the heart and imagination. But the mai of the modern spirits life, of the modern European spirit to-day, is her the senses and uanding, nor the heart and imagination, it is the imaginative reason."

Now if it is true what Matthew Arnold says here that the element by which the modern spirit of the people of Europe to-day, if it would live right_has to live, is imaginative reason, then you see how valuable for the people of Europe this Spirit of the ese peo-pie is,_this spirit which Matthew Arnold calls imaginative reason. How valuable it is, I say, and how important it is t……(内容加载失败!)




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