正文 chapter 20

Nay, even if you will pare the old Hebrew feminine ideal, the woman who layeth her hands to the spindle and whose fingers hold the distaff, who looketh well to the ways of her household ah not the bread of idleness, with the up-to-date modem ese woman who layeth her hands on the piano and whose fingers hold a big bouquet, who, dressed in tight fitting yellow dress with a band of tinsel gold around her head, goes to show herself and sing before a miscellaneous crowd in the fu Association Hall: if you pare these two feminine ideals, you will then know how fast and far modern a is drifting away from true civilisation. For the womanhood in a nation is the flower of the civilisation, of the state of civilisation in that nation.

But now to e to our question : what is the ese feminine ideal? The ese feminine ideal I answer, is essentially the same as the old Hebrew feminine ideal with one important difference of which I will speak later on. The ese feminine id……(内容加载失败!)




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