正文 chapter 21

Now in order to vihose who might still be sceptical that husbands in a truly love, deeply love their wives, I could produce abundant proofs from ese history and literature. For this purpose I should particularly like to quote and translate here an elegy written on the death of his wife by YuaCHO, a poet of the Tang dynasty. But unfortuhe piece is too long for quotation here in this already too long article. Those acquainted with ese, however, who wish to know how deep the affe, _affe, true love and not sexual passion whi modern times is often mistaken for love, _how deep the love of a husband in a for his wife is, should read this elegy which be found in any ordinary colle of the Tang poets. The title of the elegy is, _ "Lio ease the ag heart." But as I ot use this elegy for my purpose, I will, instead, give here a short poem of four lines written by a moder who was once a secretary of the late Viceroy g Chih-tung. The poet went togther with his wife ……(内容加载失败!)




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