正文 chapter 23

The day when you think of ing home . Ah then my heart -will already be broken.

Roselind in Shakespeares "As You Like It" says to her cousin Celia:" coz, y pretty little coz, that thou k how many

fathom deep I am in love! But I ot be sounded: my affe hath an unknown bottom, like the bay of Pal. " Now the love of a woman, _of a wife for her husband in a and also the love of the man_of the husband for his wife in a, one truly say, is like Rosolinds love, many fathom deep and ot be sounded; it has an unknown bottom like the bay of Pal.

But, I will now speak of the difference which, I said, there is between the ese feminine ideal and the feminine ideal of the old Hebrew people. The Hebrew lover in the Songs of Solomon, thus addresses his lady-love: "Thou art beautiful,my love, as Tirzah, ely as Jerusalem, terrible as an army with banners " People who have seeiful dark-eyed Jewesses even to day, will aowledge the truth and graphiess of the picture which the……(内容加载失败!)




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