正文 chapter 24

My Jesus to know, and feel His Blood flow Tis life everlasting, tis heaven below "

her young female teachers belonging to the Sunday school and her

"Mr. Thomas Rowe, a venerable class-leader" _what a dissimilarity. In the ground of the two lives, a likeness; in all their circumstances, what unlikeness! An unlikeness, it will be said, in that which is non-essential and indifferent. Non-essential,_ yes; indifferent,_no. The signal want of grad charm _ in the English Protestantisms setting of its religious life is not an indifferent matter; it is a real weakness. This ought ye to have done, and not to have left the other undone.

Last of all I wish to point out to you here the most important quality of all, in the ese feminine ideal, the quality which preemily distinguishes her from the feminine ideal of all other people or nations a or modern. This quality in the women in a, it is true, is on to the feminine ideal of every people or nation with any prete……(内容加载失败!)




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