正文 chapter 25


All fners who have tried to learn ese say that ese is a very difficult language. But is ese a difficult language? Before, however, we ahis questio us uand what we mean by the ese language. There are, as everybody knows, two languages_I do not mean dialects,_in a, the spoken and the written language. Now, by the way, does anybody know the reason why the ese insist upon having these two distinct, spoken and written languages? I will here give you the reason. In a, as it was at oime in Europe when Latin was the learned or written language, the people are properly divided into two distinct classes, the educated and the uneducated. The colloquial or spoken language is the language for the use of the uneducated, and the written language is the language for the use of the really educated. In this way half educated people do in this try. That is the reason, I say, why the ese insist upon having two languages. Now think of the sequences of havi……(内容加载失败!)




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