正文 chapter 26

But revenons a. nos moutons. Is then written ese a difficult language? My answer again is, yes and no. I say, written ese, even what I have called the full court dress ese, the classica majora ese, is not difficult, because, like the spoken or colloquial

ese, it is extremely simple. Allow me to show you by an average spe taken at random how extremely simple, written ese even when dressed in full court dress uniform, is. The spe I take is a poem of four lines from the poetry of the Tang dynasty describing what sacrifices the ese people had to make in order to protect their civilisation against the wild half civilised fierce Huns from the North. The words of the poem in ese are:

which translated into English word for word mean:

Swear sweep the Huns not care self,

Five thousand embroidery sable perish desert dust;

Alas! Wuting riverside bones, Still are Spring chambers dream inside men!

A free English version of the poem is something like this:_

They vowed……(内容加载失败!)




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