正文 chapter 27

But before I clude, let me here give another spe of written ese to illustrate what I mean by simplicity ah of feeling which is to be found even in the Classica Minora, literature written in official uniform ese. It is a poem of four lines by a modem poet written on New? Years Eve. The words in ese are:

which, translated word for word, mean: _

Don ( say home poor pass year hard,

North wind has blown many times cold, year peach willow hall front trees Pay-back you spring light full eyes see.

A free translation would be something like this:

TO MY WIFE Fret not, _though poor we yet pass the year ;

Let the north wind blow ne er so chill and drear, year when pead willow are in bloom, You II yet see Spring and sunlight in our home.

Here is another spe longer and more sustained. It is a poem by Tu Fu, the Wordsworth of a, of the Tang Dynasty. I will here first give my English translation. The subject is

MEETING WITH AN OLD FRIEND In life, friends seldom are……(内容加载失败!)




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