正文 chapter 29

Is there then no truth in Kipling s famous dictum that East is East a is West? Of course there is. When you deal withplusequal , there is little or no differe is only when you e to problems as a plus b equal c that there is a great deal of differewee a. But to be able to solve the equation a plus b equal c betwee a, one must have real aptitude fher mathematics. The misfortune of the world to-day is that the solution of the equation a plus b equal Far Eastern problems, is in the hands of John Smith who not only rules the British Empire, but is an ally of the Japaion, _John Smith who does not uand the elements even of algebraical problems. The solu-* ese employed by fn firms in a to be agents between them and ese merts.

tion of the equation a plus b equal c betwee a is a very plex and difficult problem. For in it there are many unknown quantities, not only such as the East of fucius and the East of Mr. Kang Yu-wei and the Viceroy Tuan Fang, but also the ……(内容加载失败!)




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