正文 chapter 31

This is what Matthew Arnold calls Christ s method in his teag. When the poor widow gave her mite, it was not what she gave that Christ called the attention of his hearers to, but how she gave it. The moralists said, "Thou shalt not it adultery." But Christ said, "I say unto you that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath already itted adultery. "

In the same way the moralists in fucius time said: Children must cut firewood and carry water for their parents and yield to them the best of the food and wine in the house: that is filial peity. But fucius said, "No; that is not filial piety." True filial piety does not sist in the mere outerformance of these services to our parents. True filial piety sists in how, in what manner, with irit we perform these services. The difficulty, said fucius, is with the manner of doing it. It is, I will finally say here, by virtue of this method in his teag, of looking into the inwardness of moral as that fuci……(内容加载失败!)




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