正文 chapter 32

First, then, that the knowledge of ese among Europeans has ged, is only so far true, it seems to us, that the greater part of the difficulty of acquiring a knowledge of the language has been removed.

"The once prevalent belief, " says Mr. Giles, "in the great difficulty of acquiring a colloquial knowledge, even of a single ese dialect has long siaken its place among other historical fis." Indeed, even with regard to the written language, a student in the British sular Service, after two years residen Peking and a year or two at a sulate, ow readily make out at sight the general meaning of an ordinary despatch. That the knowledge of ese a-mong fners in a has so far ged, we readily admit; but what is tended for beyond this we feel very mued to doubt.

After the early Jesuit missiohe publication of Dr. Morri-sons famous diary is justly regarded as the point de depart of all that has been aplished in ese scholarship. The work will certainly remain a standing……(内容加载失败!)




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