正文 chapter 34



Mr.Faber has made the remark that the ese do not uand any systematic method of stifiquiry. heless in one of ese Classics, called " Higher Education * , " a work which is sidered by most fn scholars as a Book of Platitudes, a ation is given of the order in which the systematic study of a scholar should be pursued. The student of ese ot perhaps do better than follow the course laid down in that book namely, to begin his study with the individual, to proceed from the individual to the family, and from the family to the Gover.

First, then: it is necessary and indispensable that the student should endeavour to arrive at a just knowledge of the principles of individual duct of the ese. Sedly, he will examine and see how these principles are applied and carried out in the plex social relations and family life of the people. Thirdly, he will be able then to give his attention, and direct his study, to the gover and administrative institu……(内容加载失败!)




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