正文 chapter 35

Another extraordinary judgment which used to be passed upon ese literature was, that it was excessively over-moral. Thus the ese people were actually accused of over morality, while at the same time most fners are pretty well agreed that the ese are a nation of liars! But we ow explain this by the fact that, besides the trashy novels we have already noticed, the work of translation a-mong students of ese was formerly fined exclusively to the fu Classievertheless, there are of course a great many other things in these writings besides morality, and, with all defereo Mr.Balfour, we think that "the admirable does" these books tain are decidedly not "utilitarian and worldly" as they have been judged to be. We will just submit two sentences and ask Mr. Balfour if he really thinks them "utilitarian and mundane." "He who sins against Heaven, " said fucius in ao a Minister, " he who sins against Heaven has no place where he turn to and pray." Again, Mencius sa……(内容加载失败!)




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