正文 chapter 37

Last of all, let us examihe case against the diplomats now in Europe. Now, acc to the theories of Gover, the Magua Chartas of Liberty and stitutions of Europe, the diplomats_the actual Statesmen and Ministers in charge of the gover and duct of public affairs in a try now are there merely to carry out the will of the people: in other words, merely to do whatever the plain men and women in the try tell them to do. Thus we see that the diplomats, _the Statesmen and Ministers in the Gover of the tries in Europe today, have also beere maes, talking maes; in fact mere puppets as in a Marioes show; puffed-up puppets without any will of their own, worked, pulled and moved up and down by the plain men and women. Being mere hollow puffed-up puppets, with only a voice, but without any will of their own, how then it be said that the diplomats, _the Statesmen and Ministers now in European tries are responsible for this war?

Ihe most curious thing, it seems to me, i……(内容加载失败!)




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