正文 chapter 39

Thus, I say, the one and only way out of this war, is for the people of the tries now at war, to tear up their present Magna Char-tas of Liberty and stitutions, and make a new Magna Charta, a Magna Charta not of Liberty, but a Magna Charta of Loyalty, such as we ese have in ion of good citizenship here in a.

To prove the efficacy of what I now propose, let me here call the attention of the people of Europe and America to the fact that it was the absolute loyalty of the people of Japan and Russia to their rulers which made it possible for the Ex-President Roosevelt to make a successful appeal to the late Emperor of Japan and the present Emperor of Russia to stop the Russo-Japanese war and to and and order the peace to be made at Portsmouth. This absolute loyalty of the people in the case of Japan is secured by the Magna Charta of Loyalty in our ese Religion of good citizenship which the Japanese learnt from us. But in Russia where there is nion of good c……(内容加载失败!)




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