正文 chapter 40

I have said that the real in and cause of this war was the fear of the mob in Russia. Now I want to say here that, the real first in and cause of this war was not the fear of the mob in Russia. The first in and cause, _the fa o not only of this war, but of all the anarchy, horror and misery in the world today, _is the worship of the mob, the worship of the mob now in all European tries and in America, _especially i Britain. It was the worship of the mob i Britain which caused and brought on the Russo-Japanese war. After the Russo-Japanese war came the Treaty of Portsmouth and the Treaty of Portsmouth, with the help of the shout of the British Prime Minister, broke the Knout, _the power of the Knout, broke what Heine calls the Dictatorship and created the fear of the mob in Russia which, as I said, has brought on this terrible war. It is, I may ially say here, this worship of the mob i Britain, this worship of the mob among Englishmen and fners in a; in ……(内容加载失败!)




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