HOW HELP CAME TO THE KING Bur his misery did not last long. Almost at ohere came a bump, and then a sed bump, and two children were standing before him. The wood in front of him had been quite empty a sed before and he khey had not e from behind his tree, for he would have heard them. They had in fact simply appeared from nowhere. He saw at a glahat they were wearing the same queer, dingy sort of clothes as the people in his

dream; and he saw, at a sed glahat they were the you boy and girl out of that party of seven.

"Gosh!" said the boy, "that took ones breath away! I thought -”

"Hurry up a him untied," said the girl. "We talk, afterwards." Then she added, turning to Tirian, "Im sorry weve been so long. We came the moment we could.”

While she eaking the Boy produced a knife from his pocket and was quickly cutting the Kings bonds: too quickly, in fact, for the King was so stiff and numb that when the last cord was cut he fell forward on h……(内容加载失败!)




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