THROUGH THE STABLE DOOR JILL ought to have been back at the white rock already but she had quite fotten that part of her orders in the excitement of watg the fight. Now she remembered. She tur ond ran to it, and arrived there barely a sed before the others. It thus happehat all of them, for a moment, had their backs to the enemy. They all wheeled round the moment they had reached it. A terrible sight met their eyes.

A ene was running towards the stable door carrying something that kicked and struggled. As he came between them and the fire they could see clearly both the shape of the man and the shape of what he carried. It was Eustace.

Tirian and the Uni rushed out to rescue him. But the ene was now far o the door then they. Before they had covered half the distance he had flua and shut the door on him. Half a dozen more enes had run up behind him. They formed a line on the open space before the stable. There was ing at it now.

Even then Jil……(内容加载失败!)




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