NIGHT FALLS ON NARNIA THEY all stood beside Aslan, on his right side, and looked through the open doorway.

The bonfire had go. On the earth all was blaess: in fact you could not have told that you were looking into a wood if you had not seehe dark shapes of the trees ended and the stars began. But when Aslan had roared yet again, out on their left they saw another black shape. That is, they saw another patch where there were no stars: and the patch rose up higher and higher and became the shape of a man, the hugest of all giants. They all knew Narnia well enough to work out where he must be standing. He must be on the high moorlands that stretch away to the North beyond the River Shribble.

Then Jill aace remembered how once long ago, in the deep caves beh those moors, they had seen a great giant asleep aold that his name was Father Time, and that he would wake on the day the world ended.

"Yes," said Aslan, though they had not spoken. "While ……(内容加载失败!)




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