JILL IS GIVEN A TASK WITHOUT a gla Jill the lion rose to its feet and gave one last blow. Then, as if satisfied with its work, it turned and stalked slowly away, bato the forest.

"It must be a dream, it must, it must," said Jill to herself. "Ill wake up in a moment." But it wasnt, and she didnt.

"I do wish wed never e to this dreadful place," said Jill. "I dont believe Scrubb knew any more about it than I do. Or if he did, he had no busi me here without warning me what it was like. Its not my fault he fell over that cliff. If hed left me alone we should both be all right." Then she remembered again the scream that Scrubb had given when he fell, and burst into tears.

g is all right in its way while it lasts. But you have to stop sooner or later, and then you still have to decide what to do. When Jill stopped, she found she was dreadfully thirsty. She had been lying face downward, and now she sat up. The birds had ceased singing and there erfe……(内容加载失败!)




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