PUDDLEGLUM JILL. was asleep. Ever sihe owls parliament began she had been yawning terribly and now she had dropped off. She was not at all pleased at being waked again, and at finding herself lying on bare boards in a dusty belfry sort of place, pletely dark, and almost pletely full of owls. She was even less pleased when she heard that they had to set off for somewhere else - and not, apparently, for bed - on the Owls back.

"Oh, e on, Pole, buck up," said Scrubbs voice. "After all, it is an adventure.”

"Im sick of adventures," said Jill crossly.

She did, however, sent to climb on to Glimfeathers back, and was thhly waked up (for a while) by the ued ess of the air when he flew out with her into the night. The moon had disappeared and there were no stars. Far behind her she could see a single lighted window well above the ground; doubtless, in one of the towers of Cair Paravel. It made her long to be ba that delightful bedroom, snug in bed,……(内容加载失败!)




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