THE HOUSE OF HARFANG "Go on, Pole, do your stuff," whispered Scrubb.

Jill found that her mouth was so dry that she couldnt speak a word. She nodded savagely at Scrubb.

Thinking to himself that he would never five her (or Puddleglum either), Scrubb licked his lips and shouted up to the King giant.

"If you please, Sire, the Lady of the Green Kirtle salutes you by us and said youd like to have us for your Autum.”

The giant King and Queen looked at each other, o each other, and smiled in a way that Jill didly like. She liked the Kier than the Queen. He had a fine, curled beard and a straight eagle-like nose, and was really rather good- looking as giants go. The Queen was dreadfully fat and had a double and a fat, powdered face - which isnt a very hing at the best of times, and of course looks much worse when it is ten times too big. Then the King put out his tongue and licked his lips. Anyone might do that:

but his tongue was so very large and re……(内容加载失败!)




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