ON BOARD THE DAWN TREADER "AH, there you are, Lucy," said Caspian. "We were just waiting for you. This is my captain, the Lord Drinian.”

A dark-haired ma down on one knee and kissed her hand. The only others present were Reepicheep and Edmund.

"Where is Eustace?" asked Lucy.

"In bed," said Edmund, "and I dont think we do anything for him. It only makes him worse if you try to be o him.”

"Meanwhile," said Caspian, "we want to talk.”

"By Jove, we do," said Edmund. "And first, about time. Its a year ago by our time since we left you just before your ation. How long has it been in Narnia?”

"Exactly three years," said Caspian.

"All going well?" asked Edmund.

"You dont suppose Id have left my kingdom and put to sea unless all was well,”

answered the King. "It couldter. Theres no trouble at all now between Telmarines, Dwarfs, Talkis, Fauns and the rest. And we gave those troublesome giants on the frontier such a good beating last summer that they……(内容加载失败!)




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