THE THREE SLEEPERS THE wind never failed but it grew gentler every day till at length the waves were little more than ripples, and the ship glided on hour after hour almost as if they were sailing on a lake. And every night they saw that there rose in the east new stellations whio one had ever seen in Narnia and perhaps, as Lucy thought with a mixture of joy and fear, no living eye had seen at all. Those ars were big and bright and the nights were warm. Most of them slept on ded talked far into the night or hung over the ships side watg the luminous dance of the foam thrown up by their bows.

On an evening of startliy, when the su behind them was so crimson and purple and widely spread that the very sky itself seemed to have grown larger, they came in sight of land on their starboard bow. It came slowly nearer and the light behind them made it look as if the capes and headlands of this new try were all on fire. But presently they were sailing ……(内容加载失败!)




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