Almost at the same time, the tempter whom Father Gomez was setting out to follow was beied herself.

"Thank you, no, no, thats all I need, no more, holy, thank you," said Dr. Mary Maloo the old couple in the olive grove as they tried to give her more food than she could carry.

They lived here isolated and childless, and they had been afraid of the Specters theyd seen among the silver-gray trees; but when Mary Malone came up the road with her rucksack, the Specters had taken fright and drifted away. The old couple had weled Mary into their little vine-sheltered farmhouse, had plied her with wine and cheese and bread and olives, and now didnt want to let her go.

"I must go on," said Mary again, "thank you, youve been very kind, I t carry, oh, all right, another little cheese, thank you...”

They evidently saw her as a talisman against the Specters. She wished she could be. In her week in the world of Cittagazze, she had seen enough devastation, enough Spec……(内容加载失败!)




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