"Let me see the knife," said Iorek Byrnison. "I uaal. Nothing made of iron or steel is a mystery to a bear. But I have never seen a knife like yours, and I would be glad to look at it closely."

Will and the bear-king were on the foredeck of the river steamer, in the warm rays of the setting sun, and the vessel was making swift progress upstream; there lenty of fuel on board, there was food that Will could eat, and he and Iorek Byrnisoaking their seeasure of each other. They had taken the first already.

Will held out the koward Iorek, handle first, and the bear took it from him delicately. His thumb claw opposed the four finger claws, letting him manipulate objects as skillfully as a human, and now he turhe khis way and that, bringing it closely to his eyes, holding it to catch the light, testing the edge, the steel edge, on a piece of scrap iron.

"This edge is the one you cut my armor with," he said. "The other is very strange. I ot tell what it is, wha……(内容加载失败!)




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