Lyra and Will each awoke with a heavy dread: it was like being a ned prisoner on the m fixed for the execution. Tialys and Salmakia were attending to their dragonflies, bringing them moths lassoed he anbaric lamp over the oil drum outside, flies cut from spiderwebs, and water in a tin plate. When she saw the expression on Lyras fad the way that Pantalaimon, mouse-formed, ressing himself close to her breast, the Lady Salmakia left what she was doing to e and speak with her. Will, meanwhile, left the hut to walk about outside.

"You still decide differently," said Salmakia.

"No, we t. We decided already," said Lyra, stubborn and fearful at once.

"And if we dont e back?"

"You dont have to e," Lyra pointed out.

"Were not going to abandon you."

"Then what if you dont e back?"

"We shall have died doing something important."

Lyra was silent. She hadnt really looked at the Lady before; but she could see her very clearly now, in the smoky light of the naphtha la……(内容加载失败!)




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